'Live Normal' is used to gather a seamless photographic material library on the go.
You take a photo, and this tool creates a tile-able texture and generates texture maps ready for a PBR engine of your choice.
Live Normal generates a: Diffuse(Albedo), Normal, Metallic, Displacement and Occlusion map.
These textures can then be uploaded to Google Drive to be further manipulated or used on your workstation.
- You can access your textures via USB or Google Drive.
- Have fun and try to experiment. This makes hand painted textures a breeze.
Please note: This app uses complex tricks to achieve these results on a mobile device. Newer devices will perform these task better.
'Hidup Normal' digunakan untuk mengumpulkan bahan pustaka fotografi mulus di perjalanan.
Anda mengambil foto, dan alat ini menciptakan tekstur ubin-mampu dan menghasilkan tekstur peta siap mesin PBR pilihan Anda.
Hidup normal menghasilkan: Diffuse (Albedo), Normal, Metallic, Pemindahan dan Occlusion peta.
tekstur ini kemudian dapat di-upload ke Google Drive untuk dimanipulasi lebih lanjut atau digunakan pada workstation Anda.
- Anda dapat mengakses tekstur melalui USB atau Google Drive.
- Bersenang-senang dan mencoba untuk bereksperimen. Hal ini membuat tangan dicat tekstur angin.
Harap dicatat: Aplikasi ini menggunakan trik yang kompleks untuk mencapai hasil ini pada perangkat mobile. perangkat yang lebih baru akan melakukan tugas ini lebih baik.
'Live Normal' is used to gather a seamless photographic material library on the go.
You take a photo, and this tool creates a tile-able texture and generates texture maps ready for a PBR engine of your choice.
Live Normal generates a: Diffuse(Albedo), Normal, Metallic, Displacement and Occlusion map.
These textures can then be uploaded to Google Drive to be further manipulated or used on your workstation.
- You can access your textures via USB or Google Drive.
- Have fun and try to experiment. This makes hand painted textures a breeze.
Please note: This app uses complex tricks to achieve these results on a mobile device. Newer devices will perform these task better.